article Wiktionary

article Wiktionary

Many times these are the same challenges a new writer encounters when sitting at the keyboard. In this guide, I collect some very general writing tips for you, which are relevant to two writing disciplines in particular: the article and the blog post.Artikelblogg I regularly help friends, acquaintances and colleagues write articles and blog posts. In fact, it's one of the things that I think is really fun, not least when I can help others to become better at writing. Perhaps you already have a text that has the characteristics of "flow of consciousness" (where you simply write what you think), but which needs to be polished a bit before it is shared with the world? Or maybe you want to start a blog, but need to go from ideas to finished posts? Both articles and blog posts start with an idea and preparation; the first thing you need to figure out is what your story is and who it is relevant to. Think about it from the outside in : Why is the story relevant to those who will read it? You have to be a bit tough on this one – the world is already full of inside-out texts, and you don't even bother to read them yourself. This is especially true if you are writing an article or a press release for your company. So ask yourself "so what?" and keep going until you can answer.When you know what makes your story interesting, you typically also know what angle you want to put on it. From here it may be a good idea to write an outline. It should follow the points in step 2, depending on which of the two genres you are doing. Subheadings (which you may know as “subheadings”): Divide your story into sections and provide them with a subheading that describes the content of the section. If you are very nice to the reader, you get your story by reading title+subheading+intermediate heading. Then the main text is for the nerds. It's worth striving for, because again: Very few people read your entire text, and certainly not the editors if you're writing a press release. They get maybe 100 a day, so they (and any other reader) will benefit greatly in terms of readability. Quotes : Quotes are a really good idea in articles. Partly because they break with heavy body text and partly because it allows you or someone else to formulate themselves slightly differently than you can/should in the body text. For example, they can talk about feelings. Whether you use quotes from yourself or others, remember to keep the wording reasonably close to the quoted person's spoken language (sorry if I've just shattered your childish belief that quotes in an article were always an academically correct transcription of what a person have said – they're not).