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Andrew Peterson

Andrew J. Peterson is the President of Reformed Theological Seminarys Virtual Campus (RTS Virtual) in Charlotte, NC. He holds degrees from Western Washington University (BA, Psychology), UC Berkeley (MA, Educational Psychology), and University of Pittsburgh (PhD, Educational Communications and Technology). Andy has a passion for distance education and has worked diligently for a number of years to build RTS Virtual, first as Senior Vice President, and now, as President. Before coming to RTS, he was a licensed psychologist in Pennsylvania, a professor of psychology for assessment and teacher training courses for Grove City College (a four-year liberal arts college north of Pittsburgh), a professor of pastoral counseling at a seminary in Escondido, California, and an educational technologist at Santa Fe Foundation in Solana Beach. Andy helped establish the first Multimedia Development Center for faculty development of digital presentations in 1995 (just as the Internet hit!), and has consulted with numerous businesses and schools on the use of educational technology. Andy serves as an elder at Christ Covenant Church (PCA) in Matthews, NC


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