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Sean Lucas

Sean Michael Lucas is the senior pastor of Independent Presbyterian Church in Memphis, TN. Born in Stratford, New Jersey, Sean moved up and down the eastern seaboard as a child. He graduated from Bob Jones University (BA, 1993; MA, 1994) and Westminster Theological Seminary (PhD, 2002). He was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 2003, then served on the pastoral staffs of Community Prestyterian Church, Louisville, Kentucky, Covenant Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Missouri, and First Presbyterian Church, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Sean has taught at two theological seminaries. He is presently the Chancellor�s Professor of Church History at Reformed Theological Seminary, where he has taught since 2011. Prior to that, he was chief academic officer and associate professor of church history at Covenant Theological Seminary, where he served from 2004-09. Sean has also written many books, including On Being Presbyterian: Our Beliefs, Practices, and Stories (2006); God�s Grand Design: The Theological Vision of Jonathan Edwards (2011); J. Gresham Machen (2015); and For a Continuing Church: The Roots of the Presbyterian Church in America (2015). He and his wife, Sara, have four children: Samuel, Elizabeth, Andrew, and Benjamin. In his spare time, he loves to run and follow the St. Louis Cardinals.


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