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Randy Pope

Randy Pope is a church planter and the founding pastor of Perimeter Church in North Atlanta, GA. Perimeter has helped start six global church planting centers and has partnerships with nationals in eight countries providing on-going training for church leaders. In addition to churches planted both nationally and internationally, Perimeter has helped plant twenty-eight churches in the greater Atlanta area and is a founding partner of Unite, a group of over 100 churches from different denominations working together to bring Kingdom transformation to the city of Atlanta. Perimeter was recently recognized by Leadership Network as number four in the list of Americas Top 25 Multiplying Churches. Randy is a graduate of the University of Alabama and Reformed Theological Seminary. He moved to Atlanta in 1977 to plant Perimeter Church, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). His personal passion and commitment is to make and train disciples of Christ. He has recently established Life-On-Life.Net, an organization committed to establishing life-on-life missional discipleship in churches worldwide. Randy is the author of three books: The Intentional Church (previously released as The Prevailing Church), Finding Your Million Dollar Mate, and The Answer. He has also written a missional discipleship curriculum titled The Journey. Randy and his wife, Carol, have four married children and three grandchildren.


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