Audio Sermons & Lectures from Series Entitled: "Acts"
Displaying page 7 of 32- Acts 5:17-32 by: Jarvis Singleton
Acts 5:17-32
Format: mp3 (64-bit)
Topic: Gospels and Acts - Life in the Kingdom: Significance, Forgiveness, Unity - Part 1 by: Rev. John Musgrave
Acts 1:1-14a
Formats: mp3 (16-bit), rm (32-bit), rm (16-bit), rm (8-bit)
Topic: Gospels and Acts - Life in the Kingdom: Significance, Forgiveness, Unity - Part 2 by: Rev. John Musgrave
Acts 1:1-14b
Formats: mp3 (16-bit), rm (32-bit), rm (16-bit), rm (8-bit)
Topic: Gospels and Acts - The Kingdom is a Community; The Community of God is a Kingdom by: Rev. John Musgrave
Acts 1:15-26
Formats: mp3 (16-bit), rm (32-bit), rm (16-bit), rm (8-bit)
Topic: Gospels and Acts - Pentecost means a Restored Kingdom of God by: Rev. John Musgrave
Acts 2:1-13
Formats: mp3 (16-bit), rm (32-bit), rm (16-bit), rm (8-bit)
Topic: Gospels and Acts - The Kingdom of the Spirit by: Rev. John Musgrave
Acts 2:14-21
Formats: mp3 (16-bit), rm (32-bit), rm (16-bit), rm (8-bit)
Topic: Gospels and Acts - Kingdom Membership by: Rev. John Musgrave
Acts 2:22-41
Formats: mp3 (16-bit), rm (32-bit), rm (16-bit), rm (8-bit)
Topic: Gospels and Acts - The Spirit's Effect on the Church: Devoted to Worship, Part 1 by: Rev. John Musgrave
Acts 2:42-47
Formats: mp3 (16-bit), rm (32-bit), rm (16-bit), rm (8-bit)
Topic: Gospels and Acts - The Spirit's Effect on the Church: Devoted to 'The Fellowship', Part 2 by: Rev. John Musgrave
Acts 2:42-47
Formats: mp3 (16-bit), rm (32-bit), rm (16-bit), rm (8-bit)
Topic: Gospels and Acts - Why we Speak of Jesus by: Rev. John Musgrave
Acts 4:1-22
Formats: mp3 (16-bit), rm (32-bit), rm (16-bit), rm (8-bit)
Topic: Gospels and Acts
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