Promote Third Millennium Ministries
Everyone can help prepare Christian leaders to extend the Kingdom of God throughout the world by providing biblical education to the world for free. Here are some ways you can help promote our work.
An extensive network distributes our biblical education to Christian leaders around the world. Please help us expand our network by telling others about our ministry or by helping us to distribute materials. Visit our distribution page to obtain information packets on our ministry and materials for distribution.
Your prayers are critical to the success of our ministry. We face many obstacles in our global mission, and without God's help our efforts would be in vain. Please review our prayer page for specific ways to pray for Christian leaders that use our materials, and for our staff and donors. If you do pray for us on a regular basis, it would be a great encouragement to us if you'd let us know by emailing us at
Are you teaching the Bible, theology, or Christian ministry? Or are you heading into the mission field? Or is your church motivated to pursue advanced Christian education? Take a look at our video seminary curriculum and our study guides. You'll find many helpful materials. Also visit our teaching page for ideas on how to use our curriculum in your particular situation.
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